
With a focus on creativity and ingenuity in science communication, we do a lot of sketching and experimenting. Process work is an important part of any project, so please enjoy this peek into our numerous sketchbooks and other unfinished works.

Ecorche hands

A study in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the hand, posed as in life.


graphite, velum

Roundworm color comps

Color composition tests for a editorial piece on roundworms. The two variations are based on the small intestine and the retina of the eye.


graphite, Adobe Photoshop

Quadricep Motion

An in progress sequence of images depicting the motion of the quadricep muscle during the process of stepping down.


Adobe Photoshop

Still life

A still life of organic and hard surfaces, rendered from observation for a watercolor class. This piece was part of a study in varied surfaces and media.



Muscle Cells

An experiment in digital painting, this piece was a study on colors and lighting effects.


Adobe Photoshop

Jawed fish

Simple illustrations of the jaw as situated in modern boney fish in comparison to D. terreli. Used as an element in the Dunkelosteus poster seen here.


Adobe Photoshop 

Male torso gesture sculpt

A 20 minute sculpture of the male torso rendered from observation. The physical piece is about 6-7inches tall.


white clay